Important Numbers

Camp Administrative Office: 414-228-8372

Director's Cell Phone - Avremi: 414-861-4626

Email: [email protected]

When you should use these phone numbers:

  • Your child will be picked up by someone other than you or your scheduled designee at the central location.
  • Your child will not be coming to camp for the day.
  • Emergencies.

Any changes that need to be communicated to parents will be done in two ways:

  • All cell phone numbers submitted during registration will be added into our text message data base. Parents will receive updates, important messages, and reminders on their cell phone. If you do not wish to receive text message updates please e-mail us at [email protected] or reply to the text message with the word STOP.
  • An e-mail to parents. Please make sure to check e-mail nightly


Pick up and drop off will take place at Donges Bay  Elementry School, on the school's west side.

The drop off area will be supervised beginning at 8:50am until 9:00am, and pickup from 3:45pm until 4:00pm. Once there, counselors will escort the children to and from the car. Please be mindful of the fact that many cars will be arriving at once and we need to keep the cars flowing quickly and smoothly, without backing up the street. If you need to discuss and issue with a director or counselor, please park in the parking lot.

If you would like to make a change in your child's transportation routine, such as having them transported by a friend, please be sure to call or e-mail the office to let them know by 2:00pm that day.